How to open an EPS file in CorelDRAW

Is your EPS file not opening in CorelDRAW? Learn how to open an EPS file in CorelDRAW in six simple steps.

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How to open an EPS file in CorelDRAW

6 steps to import an EPS file into CorelDRAW

1. Launch CorelDRAW

Open CorelDRAW.

2. Choose File > Open to create a new document

At the top, choose File > Open and select New Document. Select desired canvas size and colors.

3. Choose File > Import / Place after you select the EPS file to open

Then, choose File> Import / Place. The file browser will appear. Select the EPS file you want to import and click Import.

4. Position the image on the canvas

Using the cursor select where you want the image to be placed and click and drag to position the image on the canvas.

5. Edit your EPS file

Make your edits to the image.

6. Save your document

Save the file before closing the EPS file in your desired location on your computer.

5 steps to open an EPS file in CorelDRAW

1. Launch CorelDRAW

Open CorelDRAW.

2. Choose File > Open the desired EPS file

At the top, choose File > Open and select EPS file to open.

3. Select import settings

Then, choose Import text as > Text or Curves.

4. Edit your EPS file

Make your edits to the image.

5. Save your document

Save the file before closing the EPS file in your desired location on your computer.

Open EPS files in CorelDRAW on Windows

CorelDRAW is compatible with:

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7

Open EPS files in CorelDRAW on Mac

CorelDRAW is compatible with:

  • macOS Ventura (13)
  • macOS Monterey (12)
  • macOS 10.14
  • macOS 10.13
  • macOS 10.12

If you want to open an EPS file, you will need to use specialized vector design software like CorelDRAW. Try CorelDRAW free to get started designing EPS files.

What is an EPS file?

EPS, Encapsulated PostScript, is a high-quality vector image file, much like a photographic image file format is a JPEG, used to create images in marketing and advertising graphics.

Illustrators and graphic designers use EPS files regularly. These types of files can be scaled to large sizes without losing quality. EPS files are ideal for billboards and other large printed documents.

Professional printers will often ask for EPS files when printing large complex graphics to ensure there is no loss of quality or compression like there would be with JPGs or other bitmap image files.

Advantages of EPS files

  • EPS files can contain vectors, images, and text.
  • Lossless compression preserves picture quality even when the file is reduced in size.
  • Scalable to any extent, meaning the resolution remains high regardless of how large you want your image to be.
  • Compatible with most operating systems and vector-editing software.
  • Suitable for logo creation and large-scale designs, ideal for printing.

Disadvantages of EPS files

  • Requires specialist software to open and edit EPS files.
  • Usually, saved files cannot be modified. To make changes, you must return to the original design file.
  • Not suitable for a fast-paced work environment.

Do EPS files lose quality?

An EPS is great for large-scale marketing and print materials. Since EPS files are made up of vectors, they can be scaled to any size without losing image quality.

Is EPS lossy or lossless?

The terms “lossy” and “lossless” refer to how a file format reacts to being compressed and uncompressed. Since EPS files contain vectors instead of pixels, they can be compressed and uncompressed without losing any data, making them lossless.

CorelDRAW opens EPS files and many more file formats

We designed CorelDRAW Graphics Suite to open a wide range of file formats, including all of the following:

Try CorelDRAW free to open and edit a EPS file

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